{Each Wednesday, Danielle, @ Elleinad Spir, Emily, @ Notorious MLE, and myself are working our way through the lists of Listography 2011.}
When thinking about this week's topic- "List your accomplishments this past year," I opened up my list of goals for the year of 2011. While the list is not "done" by any means- progress has been made on each item (some more than others... i.e. the giganto pile of magazines that haunts me in dreams, and in my waking hours, or the constant struggle to spend enough time with those I love). Boot camp has been completed, new & old music purchased, many a' films have been watched (thank God for my movie-fanatic son), spring cleaning has sprung, and my most vain proud accomplishment of all... "frumpy" has left the building- for good.
{6th Month Check-in: June 29, 2011}
Often, I find that as I succeed in one area, I fail in others. Case in point: I've committed to get up at 5:00am tomorrow morning to attend a spinning class, but couldn't manage to fit my post in during the day... Hence- a night of far too little rest. Definitely not perfection, but progress.
I would love to hear some of your accomplished goals. Please share with a link below or in the comments.
...because {as was my intent in completing this Listography project} sharing is a beautiful thing, and reaching goals together simply makes it more FUN.