Somewhere in between my crazy past life & the present- still crazy, but a different-kind-of-crazy life, I went through sort of a "hermit" phase. I
didn't want to be tied to anything... to the
computer, to my phone, to staying on top of trends... movies... pta
calendars... I rarely (pretty much never) checked email, barely answered my own phone- and texting?? Forget about it. Just wanted to watch my few favorite shows, immerse myself in the kitchen, & spend time with the ones I love. Didn't have a need to get the latest n' greatest device... social networking was far from the scope of my daily to-do lists. I mean really far.
Well, I'll be honest. I kinda liked it. Just me & my little family... my dinosaur computer... & my hot pink RAZR.
But it wasn't until I started blogging (or actually- reading other blogs) that I fully grasped just how BEHIND I had gotten since I'd parted ways with my 'work laptop'... my treo... my real-life-social-network. As I've shared here- in a way- I'm not in any hurry, and have no plan to be ahead of each & every [or any] curve. Yet, at the same time, we've been playing the game of catch-up {pretty heavily}.
{oh, but in all seriousness- those movies were excellent.}