To search or not to search {Listography 2011}.

Each Wednesday, Emily, @ Notorious MLE, Danielle, @ Elleinad Spir, and myself are working our way through the lists of Listography 2011.
Ahhh.  FINALLY.  An easy list.

And the day that I reveal my eBay ignorance to the world.

When it comes to technology & social media, in some aspects, I've been pretty savvy, if I do say so myself.  In other aspects - utterly incompetent.  And not necessarily in a feeble "I can't learn this" way, but rather an obstinate "I have no desire to add this into my already crazy life" way.  Twitter & Flickr fell under the former; MySpace & Facebook, the latter (I did finally join FB party).  Ebates, the former; eBay, the latter.

I try to stay open-minded about the flood of new-and-improved ways to shop, share, socialize... grabbing hold of the time-savers, and tossing the time-suckers, but discerning between the two, and then learning the ropes- and rules of etiquette- of each, can get a bit blurry and overwhelming.  This article, from Martha Beck did wonders to relieve the anxiety that had quickly set in about a year ago, when I discovered the land of blogs... and just how out of it I was, technologically speaking.  

She offers excellent advice on how to approach the "Information Superflood."
We're living through the most dramatic era of change in human history. A flood of new technologies and accompanying social transitions has altered everything. It's not just that we're on the receiving end of a torrent of messages, texts, and e-mails. The way we interact and build relationships has been turned upside down; whole careers and industries have been swept away. There's so much to do, to know, to learn, to master—and the floodwaters are rising.

By default, eBay sorta fell into the 'time-sucker' category... which makes this week's list very, very short.

List your favorite ebay searches.

Short answer- none.

Long answer...

Over Christmas, I was searching through the Barbie toy category on Amazon for Hailey, who had just recently become enamored with Barbie.  I wanted to grant her Barbie gift-wishes, but didn't really feel the need to stock her room with more naked dolls (because, somehow, they're always naked).  Then I remembered my cherished 1981 Flip and Fold Fashions.  Cherished, yet no memory of it's name, where it ended up, WHY I let it go! 

After much obsession and lots of clicking, I tracked down the name, and discovered that one was up for bid on eBay!  Hailey needed to experience the sheer joy of this toy.

I tracked the King of eBay down (my older brother) and asked him for much needed assistance.  He used his buyer expertise to stalk, outbid, & purchase my childhood treasure.

Maybe I need to dive into this internet yardsale after all.

Enlighten me.  What are your favorite e-Bay searches??  If you have a list of your own, head over to Emily's and link up... or simply share with a comment.   I'm looking forward to an excuse to do a little aimless window shopping. 

And next week... cocktails.  Shopping & booze.  Deep thoughts right here.


  1. Torrie, I laughed out loud at the naked dolls. The dolls in our house are also strict nudists.

    I've never purchased anything off of eBay but I have done some pretty random searches. You know, in case anyone was selling a Missoni caftan for under $50 or something equally ridiculous. There was the time I searched for old-school Strawberry Shortcake and her friends. . .


  2. Mine lately has been vintage fire trucks because I am throwing grant a vintage inspired firetruck party for his 2nd birthday and I thought it would be cute to have some old firetrucks laying around. not much look though so far!

  3. Torrie,

    I remember you telling me about this toy. I don't remember it but I do remember Fashion Plates, which is a toy I bought on ebay, pre-chidlren, that i currently force both my son and daughter to play with....selfish, maybe?

    Changing the topic to Nigella. Have you tried the Cheesy Risotto yet? I have to say that I found it terrible and I was really looking forward to it...not to mention the annoying constant stirring effort I put in. Maybe it was the wine I used or something but found the flavor very odd. Curious if you've tried it yet? Maybe it's just a result of my poor cooking skills??!!

  4. This whole post made me laugh! Love it!!

    I was really reluctant to start Facebook, but did after being practically forced a few years ago. Now I do love it! Still scared of Twitter, though...and have never done an ebay search!

  5. Somewhere some Ebay exec is reading all our posts and comments and thinking "where did I fail?"...none of us are big Ebay people I guess!

  6. I've never seen that toy but it looks SO FUN (even to me now, haha). I'm exactly the same way when it comes to these new technologies. Some I embrace and love and others I have no interest in taking the time to figure out or use. I've only used ebay a handful of times and it was for my $7 vintage clutch (searched "vintage envelope clutch"), a wallet for my dad (he wanted the EXACT one he bought in the 80s and I somehow managed to track it down), and I periodically search for this really old L.A.M.B. dress that I let slip by and I'm still obsessing over (no luck on this one).

  7. It is so hard to keep up!
    I've never purchased or sold anything on Ebay, but I actually tried bidding once (still don't really fully understand that process). I have looked up random items for gifts: Hello Kitty, Care Bears, etc. Maybe one day...

  8. @Bestie I haven't tried it yet! Maybe I shouldn't bother?? If I do, I will definitely let you know how it turns out!

  9. What a brilliant post! - is this a picture of your 1981 flip and fold? I don't know what that is - but sounds fabulous. I am ashamed to say I have never been on Ebay - I am sooo tech unsavvy you would not believe it. I only started email a couple of years ago. (Now I only email - I never make phone calls) I can't even sign up kids for camp online, am completely flumoxed by it. Too true about the Barbie dolls, we had millions of them at the end (Holey heck we just gave them all away!) and they were all naked as the day...quite an art installation - I really should have charged at the door for the sight!)

  10. OMG, you just took me back! I totally played with that when I was younger. I only ever use ebay to search for vintage Chanel bags but have never bought one.

  11. I have never used ebay. I am so overwhelmed with social media. I don't twitter either. I try to stay off the computer and the phone/text as much as possible. It can be really encompassing, you know?
    I am laughing at the naked barbies though. And somehow, mine were always in water somewhere!

  12. first, the only thing i've ever searched for on ebay were the old school "little people" from fisher price. you know the ones that were choking hazards? And that was 5 years ago when Ava was one!

    second, how the hell did i NEVER know about, let alone play with the flip and fold fashions barbie???? seriously deprived as a child. going to give my mom a call about that one.

    and last, oh man, do i have a funny picture/story of bottomless barbies to send you. =)

  13. Hey that flip and fashion thing looks interesting..I might have to hunt one down for Ariyana!I have never seen it before.
    And I don't use ebay at all but I hear you can find really great deals. Let me know how it all works out for you. And I love your comment about the naked barbies. So true!!!

  14. You know how I feel about technology!! :) I used to use eBay a ton about 10 years ago before such things as Etsy, FB, Twitter, CL, Pinterest, I'm just too overwhelmed!


  15. I have a love\hate relationship with ebay. I like to use it for expensive brands that I couldn't normally afford. But there's always the fear that it may be fake or something...

  16. Remember Huggabunch? Well, my lil' sis and I loooooooooooved the movie they put out and we tracked it down on Ebay a few years back. Score!


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