Domestic zen.

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As I type, I am literally sitting on huge piles of laundry, in need of folding - not to mention, ironing.  Every square inch of our house is covered in stuff... scraps of poster board, colored pencils, a new softball equipment, books, homework, paperwork, boxes of [retro] party dishes, martini glasses, punch bowls, 'vintage' candy, make-up, a husband working steadily at the desk (hence, me sitting on the laundry-covered couch)... and an ironing board.     

Our party was a success.  But, it will definitely take a few days to recover- especially when recovering includes a week's worth of laundry, school projects, softball games, and reorganizing our garage to make space for recently acquired thrift store "treasures."  Who knew shopping for retro-themed party supplies could be so incredibly invigorating?  ... A new addiction, for sure (Sorry Ryan).

I look forward to sharing party pics, and getting back into the groove of posting- and into the groove of Spring- once I dig myself out of the snowfall of clutter.   Doesn't she make it look so relaxing... appetizing, even??

 Maybe, I'll start with the ironing.


  1. Don't try to get it all done in one day. Just start with one thing and your momentum will get going. Glad your party was a success and can't wait to see the photos.

  2. So glad your party was a success, Torrie! I can't wait to see pictures and hear about your retro thrift store finds! Your potato, leek, and garlic soup sounds delicious! And so does a grilled cheese. Hope you're having a good week.


  3. I cant wait to see the photos! I'm so happy your party was a success. I'm gearing up for one this weekend that I'm co-hosting, so I can relate. Except my house is a mess even before the chaos of the party! That's not good, is it?

  4. I'm so with you - things strewn about - but I don't have the luxury of having had a party. wah. Glad to hear yours was a success. woot!!

    So glad you're jumping on the Shred/NMTZ wagon again. I fell off, but am hoping with a group there will be more motivation to stick with it. yay!


  5. Can't wait for more details. I have laundry and ironing calling my name too...but I'm ignoring them ;)

  6. Can't wait to see pictures of your evening - love retro parties. Yes this image makes ironing look chic. I love the idea of ironing but after a few shirts not the actuality. Know what you mean about stuff, have drawers full of it, "tidied" away but just pretend tidying.

  7. You (and your laundry) are not alone. I knew I wasn't the only one...

  8. Torrie-I cannot wait to hear about and see pictures from the party. And I know what you mean about loads of work that needs to be done! And I absolutely hate ironing so I feel your pain

  9. Torrie! Of all the fashion blogs, photography blogs, and just plain pretty blogs that I have just wasted a bunch of time on tonight (well, we know it's not a waste, but a necessity), the outfit in this photo is the best I have seen all day. I'd like to slide into those pants tomorrow morning, drink coffee, listen to the rain and stay inside all day!

    p.s. my laundry room is actually just a closet and i can't stand ironing...i would rather re-wash an item and throw it on de-wrinkle a million times over before using that thing :)

  10. can't wait to see the photos from your party!! glad it was such a success

  11. I feel your endless laundry pain. Why does it seem to self-generate? Also, can't wait to see/hear more about the party!

  12. Glad your party was a success! Look forward to seeing the photos.

  13. great! that's how I look while ironing :D


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