Sweet success.

The air in our home is thick with tension.  A night that was "supposed" to be easy... fun... a smooth segue into the dreaded Monday- turned into a night of fighting children and unnecessary drama.  Finally sorted my way through the tears, gave my final "this has to stop" speech, and tucked them in bed... and what's this??  Bin Laden's dead?? 
The post can wait, I tell myself- while tuning into the news.

An hour later, sitting here in contemplation over a few of the week's highlights (or "lowlights")... a massive tornado strike, an ironically just-as-massive royal wedding, and now this.  Somehow, my "macaron recap" has lost it's oomph.  But I'm going to share anyways- at least a little- because after all, I don't have enough energy left in my brain to conjure another damn post these little gems have been known to "fill your soul with warm, fuzzy happiness" (said here).

So, from me to you:  a little 'warm & fuzzy'- in the midst of 'hot & heavy'...


As I shared a few weeks ago, my sister-in-law & I went to a macaron workshop, and planned on putting our newly learned skills to practice over Easter weekend.  We did, and overall, our first attempt was a success.  It took us a couple of batches (we made vanilla bean, lemon, mint, & cardamom) to get the batter consistency right, but once we figured it out- it was really pretty simple. 
{batch #3- "gold" lemon,with buttercream- store was out of yellow, & the gold looked more orange than yellow, so we used very little}
We bought a few ingredients while we were at Surfas (where the workshop was held) that we couldn't buy at a typical grocery store... including almond flour, dried egg whites, and food coloring power).
{batch #4 (before going into the oven)- mint. Consistency was good, but we couldn't taste the flavor "infusions." Although we flavored the sugars a few weeks ago, they all tasted the same!}
Once out of the oven and cooled, we filled the lemon and cardamom with buttercream, and the mint and vanilla with chocolate ganache.

{the cardamom & vanilla not seen... too busy trying to figure out what we were doing wrong at that point, since the batter seemed too thick, and they weren't holding their shape while baking}

Pretty darn cute, yeah??  Still a few "issues" to resolve- the main ones being- 1. figuring out how to add flavors that are a little less subtle- that we can actually taste without ruining the consistency, & 2. weighing all of the ingredients first (less room for error).  Will definitely make again.  Soon.  With a little practice, and patience, they are absolutely doable- for those in search of a little culinary challenge.     

Speaking of cute- isn't this little macarons necklace (from my SIL) adorable??
 Now let the week begin................


  1. Seriously this past weekend has been quite the crazy mixture of news, hasn't it?! Glad you still decided to post about the macarons though... I swear I keep hearing about macarons everywhere lately! I guess I better give them a try...

  2. Craziness is the name for the past few weeks both personally and on a national level. So glad he is dead! Yeah for the U.S. and I hate to hear about the drama but I rest assured you handeled it great. I love the idea of a macaroon class and yours turned out exceptional. I am jealous as I have never made them before. Maybe I should do that for my recipe challenge this month. I am feeling sugary! LOL!

  3. I think we could all use a little warm and fuzzy right about now! It has definitely been a crazy past few days!
    I love macarons and have been dying to make some...or at least attempt to make some. Maybe this week.. :)

  4. I see those wonderful, sweet, adorable little macarons and you just made my week. Tasting one would be good too.

  5. Posting about macarons is good. After horrible tornadoes, Bin Laden and family drama, it's nice to think about something a little lighter... I'm highly impressed with your baking skills! You really have to be a scientist to bake. So cool that you and your SIL are experimenting with it. You're on your way to Top Chef! ;)

  6. Your macarons look so tasty~ well done!!
    My two littles have been on each other all weekend. They actually woke up and were arguing within 1 minute ("I took my blanket off while I was sleeping." "No you didn't." "Yes I did." "No you DIDN'T!" "YES I DID!") Arrrrrrrrrgh!!! They are taking a much needed nap right now. :)
    I pray for a rainbow to encircle the Earth....

  7. They look so good! I'd never be able to make them so I'm impressed :)

  8. obl couldn't shake a stick at these things!! you did a superb job.


  9. Torrie these look amazing! Great work!! I love me a macaroon, but they are just of finicky! I've had some great batches come out and some totally failed batches. I'm dying to learn some fail-proof tricks, if there are any :)

  10. I am so very much impressed!!!!!! I am a huge parisian macarons fan. These look fantastic! Yeah for you. And, if you ask me, wedding shmedding. :)

  11. Well, I just about fell off my chair on this one. The macarons are little works of art. I am so impressed and proud of you! I'm totally intimidated by those but I love to eat them =) And anything with cardamon will always win me over. Well done, lady!

  12. You are a better woman than I. Those macaroons are veritable works of art. And wonderful little sweet treasures amid the storm the world is in.

  13. I know..absolutely crazy week and I know those "drama" moments with kids are tough too.But on a more positive note how fun you took this class AND they look amazing. I think its absolutely wonderful you did that. I bet they were wonderful..they photograph well for sure!

  14. Beautiful! I love the sprinkles on top!

  15. Wow, you totally threw me for a loop with your intro. I was getting my hanky ready and then suddenly I'm reading about macaroons! Love it. Even more, those delicious-looking macaroons. Is this the same SIL who generously shared her macarani and cheese recipe (which my husband requests EVERY week now!!!) Seriously, you guys have to team up and start a business or something The photos do not look like those macaroons have any issues at all. And that necklace? So adorable.

  16. those look amazing!!!! yummmmm. hopefully you will have a lovely, refreshing weekend.


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