Hard work pays off.

Ryan has always been a good influence on me when it comes to shutting work OFF (back in the days that I used to work... or more specifically, when I had work on my brain 24/7).  For years, we both held the same position.  Both district managers for Starbucks Coffee Company.  Both had the same number of direct reports, similar geographical spans- in other words, the same exact work load.  But he had this AMAZING ability to leave his laptop shut when he walked in the door (This was back in the glorious days when our mobile phones were not inundated with texts or email... when their sole purpose was for *phone calling*... Sadly, keeping the laptop shut nowadays doesn't quite do the trick of 'shutting work off'...).  So, thanks to him, we do weekends pretty well. 
But for the same reasons mentioned here, old habits have returned -in the form of laundry, dishes, paperwork, inbox-clearing, garage-cleaning...  But when spring break ended last week, and I wrote that post (declaring to GO more... see more, try more, DO more), I vowed to take our weekends back to a time for play... for togetherness... for rest~ & rejuvenation.    
On Friday, I read this article~ "What The Most Successful People Do With Their Weekends".  ~my thoughts exactly.

I worked hard during the week, and in fact- by the time I read those words, laundry was done.  Any that built up over the weekend could (& did) wait until Monday.  The must-do's of the week were done.  Still a million TO-do's.  But those could (& did) wait until Monday.

Hard work really does pay offThe absence of laundry alone made a world of differenceSome of our time was spent doing "work"~ making pizza, digging dirt~ but of a different variety.  {...a variety that also pays very well.}  
 {...one of our big weekend "jobs"~ reviving our garden, which [despite intentions to keep it going year-round] hasn't been touched since last summer... this year, due to limited time, we broke the work into parts... we cleared it out and prepped the soil a couple of weekends back... last weekend, we mapped it out and purchased our seeds... this past weekend, we purchased our seedlings & planted.  this year, we wanted to involve the kids more than we have in years past.  breaking it up into parts allowed it to be more enjoyable~ and less stressful (or- keeping in line with the theme of this post~ "work-filled").  this year, they each got their own planter box!  they picked out their own seeds and with our help, plotted & planted... we love seeing them get so 'into it' :).}
Now Monday is here, the hampers are full, and I'm more than ready to work just as hard this week for that {weekend} payoff that awaits.


  1. Thanks for sharing this Torrie, it comes at the perfect time. The last few months for me have been a work binge. I've been up way too late and have not been able to turn off my mind. As a result, I am finding myself completely burned out. Luckily, with littles I am forced to get out on weekends, but still I think I am not completely mentally unplugging. I'm glad that you are finding a good balance, sounds like a lovely weekend. My garden beds are calling me too. Maybe this will be our weekend project, thanks for the inspiration. xx

  2. It's so funny, J was so excited to share that article with me. I think it was a hint ;)

    I've gotten so much better about turning off the housework and errands on the weekends...still working on turning off email. But you're right, having the time for rest is crucial.

  3. Gardening is my favorite kind of weekend work to do! :) Glad yours is up and running again.

  4. torrie, i read the same article last week which is exactly why i got all the laundry done on friday!! cheers to a fun sunday!

  5. Love this. Gonna share this article with my husband. It's a tough thing to do, but finding that separation and not allowing work to interfere in your entire life is so crucial.

  6. this is a wonderful intention. A wonderful way to make sure you are "ready" to start your week off on the right foot! I need to take a lesson from you

  7. I love how you properly tend to your garden, what a great example for the kids, to stick at things. Our vege garden is a wilderness of weeds, shame on us! And wow, you were a high flyer lady!

  8. I feel like I will NEVER get caught up with the laundry. Ha!


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