
Well.  We made it home from Hawaii safe and sound.  

 A glorious 8 days of paradise.   

I'd love to share pictures (and I will) but as is usually the case after returning home- I'm desperately trying to get my groove back- or simply get back into some sort of groove... one that doesn't involve a daily room [house]-cleaning, nightly mai tais on the beach, stored-away laptops, and empty agendas.  

...but instead- grocery shopping, unpacking (yes, still), LAUNDRY, pumpkin purchasing, Halloween decorating, homework assisting (oh... the homework), boy scout events, girl scout events, LAUNDRY, costume parties...

Okay, I'll spare you the rest of my oh-so-interesting-to-do list, and simply say that despite the madness, it feels good to be back... to jump into Halloween-mode, and to reconnect- with  my laptop, my reader (soon!), the dvr...  And since I can't post Hawaii pics yet, here's a few from Saturday night's costume party to hold ya over :). 

{a handsome security guard (aka- Ryan), a Butcher's wife (aka- my mom), & yours truly- a Mad Men wannabe}

{Costume inspired by Naina (dress & shoes- Ross; belt- Banana Republic)... If you're looking for a last minute costume idea & want to dress up as a 60's gal yourself- Ross has a fantastic selection of dresses (dresses that seem to hide all the the 'mai tai/macadamia nut pancake' indulgences... 60's dressing just may become a regular thing).}


  1. you all look great!!

    it seems like you had a lovely time - can't wait to see the pics!

  2. Love your Mad Men outfit - you look fab! Can't wait to see all your pics of Hawaii - we're off there at T-giving. (But I know what you mean about pile of washing etc email inbox when you get home, can be overwhelming!

  3. Twih Twoo. That was my spelling of a wolf whistle. Terrible? I can't wait to see the Hawaii photos.


  4. Yay! You're back! Can't wait to hear and see more about your trip! Love the costume..I may have to copy bc i just love those candy cigarettes and could use as a prop. :)

  5. you look great torie!

    (i hate freakin' laundry! it's a never ending pile! grrrrrrrrrrrrrr.)

  6. Yay you went with the Mad Men theme dress! I love it. And welcome back. Seriously Hawaii is one of our favorite destinations...have been on our honeymoon and I think 3 more x if I am counting correctly. We just can't get enough of it. Which Islands did you go to? And isn't it such a shock getting back to reality? At least you have Halloween, and then Thanksgiving to look forward to right?

  7. You're officially back!!!


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